12 October 2006 Calibrating six years of multiband UV measurements at Ushuaia and Marambio for model and satellite comparisons
Outi Meinander, Carlos Torres, Kaisa Lakkala, Tapani Koskela, Alberto Redondas, Emilio Cuevas, Guillermo Deferrari, Aapo Tanskanen
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An Antarctic UV-monitoring network established in 1999 as a Spanish-Finnish-Argentinian co-operation consists of multiband filter radiometers located at Belgrano, Marambio, and Ushuaia. To provide with quality controlled and assured calibrated groundbased Antarctic UV data, bi-weekly lamp tests were used on every site and visits of travelling reference instruments on two of the sites. Along the six years of operation, the sensitivity in some of the instrument channels was found to drift up to 61%. In both stations, always the same channels showed the best stability or worst instability. The rigorous quality assurance programme ensured that reliable time series of solar data could be produced, however. The most recent Antarctic ozone depletion period of 2005/2006 was studied by comparing OMI satellite-based erythemally weighted daily doses with the measured polynomial corrected data for August 2005-March 2006 for Ushuaia and Marambio. The root mean square (RMS) of difference between the groundbased and satellite-retrieved daily doses was on monthly basis smaller for Ushuaia (19 - 28 %) than for Marambio (17-58 %), possibly due to e.g. bigger heterogeneity of the ground albedo, and variability of the cloudiness. Our final task of combining the polynomial corrected lamp calibration factors and the traveling reference calibration factors, to produce the final calibrated Antartic UV data, is discussed, too.
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Outi Meinander, Carlos Torres, Kaisa Lakkala, Tapani Koskela, Alberto Redondas, Emilio Cuevas, Guillermo Deferrari, and Aapo Tanskanen "Calibrating six years of multiband UV measurements at Ushuaia and Marambio for model and satellite comparisons", Proc. SPIE 6362, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI, 63622F (12 October 2006); Logo
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