4 May 2016 Theoretical and experimental study of sub-Nyquist FMCW LIDAR systems
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Empirical and experimental results are provided, proving the successful application of sub-Nyquist sampling to wide-bandwidth linear frequency modulated waveforms commonly used in ranging applications. The wide bandwidth nature of these waveforms traditionally dictate the need for high speed digitizers and matched filtering in order to determine the range to an object. We propose that a sub-Nyquist rate digitizer, along with the notions of sparse recovery, can be used to significantly reduce the rate and number of samples necessary to detect the range to an object, thereby reducing overall system cost. Specifically, the application of these concepts to a laser based ranging system is explored, and properties of the sensing matrix are investigated as well as possible sparse recovery performance.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Lee, Piya Pal, and Linda Mullen "Theoretical and experimental study of sub-Nyquist FMCW LIDAR systems", Proc. SPIE 9857, Compressive Sensing V: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics, 985702 (4 May 2016);
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