Open Access
15 December 2023 Secure optical interconnects using orbital angular momentum beams multiplexing/multicasting
Yifan Zhao, Jun Liu, Shuhui Li, Andong Wang, Long Zhu, Yan Luo, Shi Chen, Nan Zhou, Shuang Zheng, Jing Du, Jian Wang
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Orbital angular momentum (OAM), described by an azimuthal phase term exp ( jlθ ) , has unbound orthogonal states with different topological charges l. Therefore, with the explosive growth of global communication capacity, especially for short-distance optical interconnects, light-carrying OAM has proved its great potential to improve transmission capacity and spectral efficiency in the space-division multiplexing system due to its orthogonality, security, and compatibility with other techniques. Meanwhile, 100-m free-space optical interconnects become an alternative solution for the “last mile” problem and provide interbuilding communication. We experimentally demonstrate a 260-m secure optical interconnect using OAM multiplexing and 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM) signals. We study the beam wandering, power fluctuation, channel cross talk, bit-error-rate performance, and link security. Additionally, we also investigate the link performance for 1-to-9 multicasting at the range of 260 m. Considering that the power distribution may be affected by atmospheric turbulence, we introduce an offline feedback process to make it flexibly controllable.

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Yifan Zhao, Jun Liu, Shuhui Li, Andong Wang, Long Zhu, Yan Luo, Shi Chen, Nan Zhou, Shuang Zheng, Jing Du, and Jian Wang "Secure optical interconnects using orbital angular momentum beams multiplexing/multicasting," Advanced Photonics Nexus 3(1), 016004 (15 December 2023).
Received: 14 July 2023; Accepted: 29 November 2023; Published: 15 December 2023 Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.

Optical interconnects

Information security


Free space optics

Angular momentum

Optical simulations

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