Open Access
1 January 2006 Evanescent-imaging-ellipsometry-based microarray reader
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We describe the development of a label-less ellipsometric imaging microarray reader. The ability of the ellipsometric microarray reader to measure binding of sample to microarray surface is verified using oligonucleotide complementary DNA (cDNA) microarrays. Polarized light illuminates the microarray surface through a glass substrate at an angle beyond the critical angle and changes in the polarization of totally internally reflected light resulting from binding events on the microarray surface are measured. This polarization change is used to measure the thickness of biomolecules bound to the microarray. A prototype ellipsometric imaging microarray reader is constructed and calibrated, and the performance is evaluated with cDNA microarrays. The microarray reader measures changes in refractive index changes as small as 0.0024 and thickness changes as small as 0.28 nm. The optimization of angle of incidence and substrate refractive index necessary to achieve high sensitivity is also described. This ellipsometric technique offers an attractive alternative to fluorescence-microarray readers in some genomic, proteomic, diagnostic, and sensing applications.



Microarrays are widely used in genomic, proteomic, and diagnostic applications.1 A microarray consists of specific biomolecules (oligonucleotide sequences, polymerase chain reaction products, proteins, etc.) immobilized as spots on a substrate surface. The microarray is then reacted with a sample containing analytes that specifically bind to immobilized biomolecules. Typically, the analytes are labeled with fluorescent dye(s) and the intensity of the bound fluorescent dye is read on a fluorescent microarray reader. The fluorescence intensity is related to the concentration of analytes bound.

Fluorescence-based microarray reading methods offer high sensitivity. The ability to use multiple fluorescent dyes that fluoresce at different wavelengths offers the attractive choice, where control and samples are to be tested in a single measurement. One of the drawbacks in using fluorescent labels arises from the additional steps that are involved in the attachment of labels to analytes. Other drawbacks are the requirement for additional steps of purification of the fluorescent labeled analytes and the photostability of fluorescent dyes. Finally, the attachment of a label to the analyte can alter its binding characteristics and may not provide a realistic picture of its biological activity. Therefore, alternative label-less methods to read microarrays are in development.2

This paper describes an approach to microarray readout that does not require any labels. Utilizing evanescent imaging ellipsometry, this method offers a highly sensitive alternative to fluorescent microarray readers. The following sections describe the theoretical principles of the imaging ellipsometric method, the construction of the optical detection unit, and the fabrication of microarrays for testing and the characterization of microarray readers.


Ellipsometric Microarray Reader Optical System

Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the imaging ellipsometric microarray reader that is based on a patent by Kempen.3 The light source is a collimated green 520-nm LED. A polarizer and a quarter-wave linear retarder in rotary stages generate polarized light with adjustable orientation and ellipticity. This light enters a right-angle prism at normal incidence. The microarray is fabricated on a poly-l-lysine-coated BK7 glass slide. The microarray is mounted horizontally and the bottom surface of the microarray is affixed to the hypotenuse of the prism with index-matching fluid, as shown in Fig. 2 . In this configuration, the incident angle on the microarray, θ0=45deg , is larger than the critical angle of 41.2deg .

Fig. 1

Principle of evanescent imaging ellipsometric microarray reader. Polarized light illuminates the microarray surface (sample) and is totally internally reflected. The retardance and diattenuation of the microarray spots changes the polarization of the reflected beam. An analyzer nearly extinguishes the beam and the resulting intensity image is related to the thickness and refractive index of the microarray surface.


Fig. 2

Configuration through the prism with typical refractive indices.


The polarization state change at the microarray interface is primarily due to the retardance associated with total internal reflection (TIR) at a dielectric interface with additional modification due to interaction with the microarray spots. The total internally reflected light then exits the prism at normal incidence. The polarizer and retarder’s orientations are adjusted such that the light reflected from the BK7 interface is linearly polarized at 135deg . An analyzer (linear polarizer) is oriented at a 45-deg orientation to extinguish the TIR beam.

The binding of analytes to the microarray spots, cause thickness changes t(x) and changes in complex refractive index n(x)iκ(x) , across the surface of the microarray sample. The vector x is position on the microarray. These changes cause an additional alteration to the polarization state of the beam reflected from the TIR interface, inducing a small leakage of light at the polarizer.

Two folding mirrors return the beam to a horizontal axis. The light leaked through the analyzer constitutes the signal. A telephoto camera lens set at f20 images the microarray onto a scientific grade 10-bit CCD camera (Optronics, MagnaFire). A photograph of the imaging ellipsometric microarray reader prototype is shown in Fig. 3 . This beam has a limiting resolution of 1.22λf#=12.6μm . The CCD pixel size also limits the resolution to about 12μm . Despite the tilted image plane, the images were well resolved over a 1-cm field of view.

Fig. 3

Evanescent imaging ellipsometric microarray reader prototype. Sample glass slide is mounted above right angle prism (white) with index-matching fluid.



Principle of Operation

The ellipsometric microarray reader measures the change in the polarization state of the light reflected from the microarray surface to determine the concentration of bound analytes to microarray spots. This change is modeled using the equations of optical thin films and ellipsometry.4, 5, 6

At the microarray interface, the light beam undergoes TIR from the hypotenuse surface of a glass prism in contact with a microarray sample.7, 8 The reflection causes separate changes in the amplitudes and phases of the s and p components of the incident light field, which are characterized by two complex amplitude reflection coefficients rs and rp . For a BK-7 glass slide without microarray spots, rs and rp are the Fresnel reflection coefficients. For a glass slide containing layers of biomolecules, rs and rp are calculated by treating the biomolecules as a thin film coating. The retardance δ is defined as the relative change in phase between the p and s components of the light field and is given by

Eq. 1

The retardance and the changes in amplitude between p and s components, tan(Ψ) , are characterized in ellipsometry by

Eq. 2

The change in the amplitudes of rs and rp , which characterize the reflection amplitude differences for different polarization states is also characterized by the parameter diattenuation D defined as

Eq. 3

a measure of partial polarization. Diattenuation varies from 0, when all polarization states have equal reflectance (such as TIR), to 1 for an ideal polarizer. When a light field undergoes TIR in nonabsorbing materials, only retardance occurs since rs=rp=1 and D=0 . In this configuration, changes to δ arise from both variations in thickness and refractive index. When the biomolecules have absorption, a nonzero diattenuation occurs.

To obtain a linearly polarized beam at 45deg following TIR, the polarizer and the quarter-wave plate azimuthal are selected such that the incident amplitudes of the p and s components are equal with a difference in phase opposite to the TIR retardance. As shown later, this beam should have Jones vector

Eq. 4

Then the internally reflected beam has the Jones vector

Eq. 5

The retardance and diattenuation of the interface are represented by Jones matrix Js ,

Eq. 6

The reflected beam is almost completely blocked by an analyzer, a linear polarizer oriented at 135deg with a Jones matrix

Eq. 7

A lens relays the light to a CCD array. For a bare glass slide, the reflected beam is completely extinguished by the analyzer.

Eq. 8

The retardance and diattenuation introduced by reflection from the spots on microarray surface cause the totally internally reflected beam to become elliptically rather than linearly polarized with Jones vector

Eq. 9

The diattenuation and retardance of the microarray spots prevents the light from being completely extinguished by the 135-deg analyzer because the Jones vector transmitted through the 135-deg polarizer is

Eq. 10

Thus, retardance changes cause elliptically polarized light. Diattenuation causes the axis of the polarization to rotate from 135deg . These changes depend on t(x),n(x) , and κ(x) . The intensity of the microarray image becomes

Eq. 11

where the spatial dependence is suppressed.

For film thicknesses much smaller than the optical wavelength, the retardance change is small, δδ0π leading to the approximate result

Eq. 12

Similarly, since rs1 and rp1 , the diattenuation is small and can be approximated as

Eq. 13

Applying these approximations, the image intensity becomes

Eq. 14

In summary, spatial variations in δ and D that occur due to the biomolecules on the microarray surface result in a nonuniform intensity distribution described by Eq. 14, which is measured by the ellipsometric microarray reader’s CCD. Since the variations of δ(x) and D(x) in the image are associated with the spatial variations t(x) , n(x) , and κ(x) of the sample film, the image intensity provides information about these optical parameters of the sample film.

The Poincaré sphere in Fig. 4 helps explain the evolution of the light state through the polarizer, quarter wave retarder, TIR, and the small influence of film diattenuation and retardance. The objective of the setup is to end at C , 45-deg linearly polarized light. Light exits the polarizer at a position A and is rotated to B by the quarter-wave retarder oriented at 45deg . TIR from the bare surface, a retarder at 0deg , brings the state to C , linearly polarized at 45deg , which will be extinguished by the final oriented analyzer. The polarizer azimuth is set at α=(π2δ0)2 , where δ0 is the retardance introduced by TIR.

Fig. 4

Evolution of the light polarization state on the Poincaré sphere. The state after the first polarizer A is rotated to B by the quarter-wave plate oriented at 45deg . TIR brings the state to C . The zoomed in area shows how diattenuation changes the polarization orientation and retardance δ the polarization ellipticity.


Any change in retardance introduced by the microarray causes the polarization state to move along the longitude of the Poincaré sphere. Diattenuation caused by the microarray moves the polarization state along the equator. Both cause leakage at the final analyzer. Additionally, an adjustment of the initial polarizer azimuth can differentiate between the diattenuation and retardance.

For our prototype ellipsometric reader, the BK7 prism refractive index is n0=1.52 , the angle of incidence is θ0=45deg , and the microarray surface is immersed in air nm=1.0 . A typical biomolecular layer has an index of refraction in a range 1.44<n<1.48 and a thickness of approximately t=12.5nm (Refs. 2, 9, 10). For the nucleotide sequence of about 30 nucleic acids we estimate the index of refraction to be n=1.44 . A thin film calculation6 using these parameters demonstrates that a biomolecular layer introduces a retardance change, δ , from the bare interface of

Eq. 15

which is readily measured by this technique.

The sensitivity to changes in refractive index and thickness is found by differentiating δ(n,t) with respect to index

Eq. 16

and thickness

Eq. 17

The refractive index sensitivity d[δ]dn and the layer thickness sensitivity d[δ]dt establish the requirements for determining small thickness and index variation. These requirements include the purity of the incident polarization state, the extinction coefficient of the polarizers, and any intrinsic depolarization caused by the biomolecule spots.

The sensitivity can be improved by optimizing the prism refractive index and incident angle. Figure 5 shows the refractive index sensitivity d(δ)dn and the layer thickness sensitivity d(δ)dt for the typical biomolecular layer ( n=1.44 and t=12.5nm ) as functions of substrate refractive index n0 and angle of incidence θ0 .

Fig. 5

(a) Sensitivity to film refractive index variation for dielectric film expressed in units of degrees of retardance per 0.01 of refractive index change and (b) layer thickness sensitivity in degree per nanometer. Area in the lower left-hand corner indicates the region below the critical angle with TIR failure.


An examination of Fig. 5 indicates the following:

  • 1. A low angle of incidence is preferred for maximizing both d(δ)dn and d(δ)dt .

  • 2. A low prism index is preferred for maximizing d(δ)dn . A high prism index is preferred for maximizing d(δ)dt . Therefore, this ellipsometer configuration can be optimized for either refractive index sensitivity or thickness sensitivity, but not both simultaneously.

  • 3. Thickness sensitivity is easier to maximize than index sensitivity. This low-refractive-index sensitivity occurs because the film is extremely thin compared to a wavelength of light.


Measurements and Results


Fabrication of Microarrays

Three OMM16K mouse complementary DNA (cDNA) arrays are used to test the imaging ellipsometric microarray reader. The microarrays contain 70-mer oligonucleotides deposited as 125-μm-diam spots printed on poly-l-lysine-coated slides in 32 subarrays of 24 columns and 23 rows each for a total of 17,664 spots using Telechem Stealth SMP3 pins in 32 pin configuration. The spots are separated by a center- to-center distance of 175μm . The array size is 17,984×35,968μm . Cy3-labeled arrays were tested to make a direct comparison of imaging ellipsometer measurements to microarray scanners that utilize Cy3 fluorescent labels. The array description and gene list can be found in Ref. 11.

Figure 6 outlines the steps to hybridize cDNA to microarray. Total RNA was prepared using Qiagen RNeasy Midi Kit. The messenger RNA (mRNA) was prepared from total RNA using Oligotex columns from Qiagen. 25μg of total RNA was used for each labeling reaction. Prior to labeling, total RNA was concentrated to about 3.3μgμl using ethanol/isopropanol precipitation (1 vol. RNA+2 vol. ethanol:isopropanol 1:1). A 10-min precipitation at room temperature was followed by a 10-min spin at 14,000rpm in a microfuge to recover the nucleic acids.

Fig. 6

Microarray fabrication protocol. To test the ellipsometric microarray reader, the probe labeling and purification steps were not performed.


The RNA was denatured and primers were annealed by incubating 15μL of resuspended RNA, 4μL of oligo dT (1μgμl) and 1μL random hexamers (5μgμl) for 5min at 68°C . The first strand synthesis and labeling was performed by adding 8μL 5× first strand buffer, 4μL 0.1M DTT , 0.6μL 33.3mM each dACG, 0.32μL 25mM dTTP, 4μL 2mM aa-dUTP, 1μL RNAse to 20μL of denatured RNA. Do microliters of Superscript-RT (Gibco) was added to this mixture and incubated at 42°C for 2h . This was followed by heating the mixture to 94°C for 2 to 3min .

The RNA was removed by adding 5μL 0.5M EDTA and 10μL 1M NaOH and heating for 20min at 60 to 65°C . Then 6μL 1M HCl and 2μL 1M Tris pH 7.5 was added to neutralize NaOH . The cDNA probe was cleaned using CyScribe GFX purification kit (Amersham Biosciences, catalog #27-9606-01).

Cy3-NHS was disordered in DMSO three concentration of 5μgμl . Then 2μL of this dye was added to each cDNA probe and incubated at room temperature for 60 to 90min . After incubation, the reaction was halted by adding 4μL 2M ethanolamine at room temperature for 5min . The labeled probe was purified by Cyscribe GFX purification kit. The purified dye labeled probe was denatured by mixing 3μL probe with 0.5μL 20×SSPE , 1.5μL poly dA (5μgμl) and 8μL hybridization buffer. The mixture was heated to 90°C for 2min .

Next 13μL of prehybridization buffer was added on the microarray slide and the microarray was covered with a 22-×22-mm coverslip and placed in the hybridization chamber for 1h at 50°C . The prehybridization buffer was rinsed with water, 70% ethanol, and 100% ethanol and air dried. These microarrays were used for hybridization and testing.

The 13μL of dye-labeled probes are added on top of the prehybridized microarray slides. The slide was covered with a 22-×22-mm cover slip and hybridized for 18h in a hybridization chamber. These hybridize microarrays were tested by fluorescent microarray scanner and imaging ellipsometer.


Measurement Procedure

The hypotenuse surface of the prism is cleaned using standard optical cleaning methods. A drop of refractive index matching fluid (n=1.52) is placed on one edge of the hypotenuse surface and the rear surface of the glass slide is slowly attached to the hypotenuse of the prism allowing the index matching fluid to spread between the prism and the glass slide surfaces, sealing the gap. Caution is taken to avoid air bubbles trapped in the imaging area, which cause bright spots on the ellipsometric image. An image is formed of the microarray on the CCD and the polarization elements in the ellipsometer are adjusted to achieve the best null possible in the area surrounding the microarray spots. The lens is stopped down to f16 to increase the depth of focus to accommodate the tilted object plane.

The Cy3-labeled probes are used to compare the results from imaging ellipsometry experiments to those from a fluorescence microarray reader (Axon Instruments). The fluorescent measurement of the Cy3-hybridized microarray is shown in Fig. 7a . The spots are clearly visible and the measurements show bright spots with a clear dark background. Figure 7b shows the ellipsometric image of a similar microarray using the prototype ellipsometric microarray reader. Note that the sensitivity analysis already given demonstrated that the change in retardance caused by the microarray spots is very small. Therefore, to achieve the necessary sensitivity, the image exposure time was set to about 10s to increase the retardance sensitivity of the instrument resulting in the camera the dynamic range being significantly smaller than the total contrast ratio of the ellipsometer. The extinction ratio of the ellipsometer was measured to be about 3000:1, and we believe this is limited by retarder uniformity and scattering within the prism.

Fig. 7

(a) Cy3-hybridized microarray measured on fluorescent microarray reader from Axon Instruments and (b) DNA microarray image using benchtop ellipsometric microarray reader.



Calibration Procedure

The microarray reader is calibrated using a high-precision imaging Mueller matrix polarimeter (IMMP), located at the Polarization Laboratory of the Optical Science Center, University of Arizona. Figure 8 shows a schematic diagram of the IMMP system. A detailed description of this system can be found in the literature. 7, 12, 13, 14 Mueller matrix images are then reduced to retardance and diattenuation maps using a polar decomposition algorithm.15

Fig. 8

Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter configured to measure microarray samples. Samples had to be mounted vertically. The resulting Mueller matrix and retardance measurements were used to calibrate the imaging ellipsometric microarray reader. The polarization state (PS) generator and the PS analyzer both contain fixed polarizers and rotating retarders (elements closer to sample).


Calibration is performed by first using the ellipsometer to acquire an image of a microarray sample. A cross section of the image is extracted and the average of the intensity variations I induced by the microarray spots is determined. Next the IMMP system is used to measure the retardance caused by TIR in the glass prism and the retardance change δ induced by the microarray spots. The intensity variation of the ellipsometer image is proportional to the square of the retardance deviation, that is, I=c×δ2 . From the IMMP retardance image, the constant c in this equation is determined.


Estimating the average intensity variations induced by the microarray pixels

The microarray image is first highpass filtered in the spatial frequency domain to remove the gradual variation in the background intensity. Figure 9 is a cross section of the image along a row of spots normalized by the digital range of the detector. The average intensity variation induced by the microarray spots is measured to be 8% of digital range of the CCD detector.

Fig. 9

Cross section of the microarray image through a row of spots acquired by the ellipsometric microarray reader.



Estimating the retardance deviation induced by the microarray pixels

To determine the relationship between the image intensity and microarray spot thickness, the retardance change and the diattenuation of the microarray sample and prism are independently measured by the IMMP system. The resolution of the IMMP enables the retardance and diattenuation variations to be measured to an accuracy of better than 1%. The light paths through the prism in the IMMP measurement are set to match the microarray imaging ellipsometer configuration: The wavelength is 520nm , and the angle of incidence is 45deg . The retardance introduced by the microarray is the dominant polarization effect contributing to the image intensity. The diattenuation introduced by the microarray sample is small (<0.5%) , which lies in the noise of the IMMP. Figure 10 shows a retardance image of the microarray measured by the IMMP system.

Fig. 10

(a) Retardance image of microarray measured by Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter, (b) and (c) x and y cross sections through a row and column, (d) perspective view, and (e) statistical summary. The total variation of retardance due to the microarray spots is only 1deg .


From the x and y cross sections, the mean retardance deviation introduced by a microarray spot, relative to the background (local maximum to local minimum) is measured to be

Eq. 18

Assuming thickness variation at constant refractive index, then δ is related to the sample’s thickness t by Eq. 17, We estimate the mean thickness change of the microarray spots as

Eq. 19

This thickness change is independently confirmed by a Wyko-NT2000 phase shifting interferometer measurement shown in Fig. 11 confirming that the spots are about 3nm thick.

Fig. 11

Small region of the microarray ( 3×4 spots) observed with Wyko-NT2000 phase-shifting interferometer.



System Calibration

The retardance calibration is based on finding the constant c in the equation

Eq. 20


Eq. 21


Eq. 22

where I is the fraction of total power incident at the prism reaching the CCD.

According to the Drude approximation,16 the retardance change δ is proportional to the thickness variation t of the extremely thin film. Thus, the calibration equation for thickness variation is

Eq. 23


Eq. 24


Eq. 25

where t is the value in nanometers, and d has units of nm2 .

Using Equation 16, a calibration relationship between refractive index and image intensity is given by

Eq. 26

where nΔ is the change in refractive index from a value of 1.44. Using the value d(δ)dn=0.16210.01=0.00283rad0.01 from Eq. 16, and c=2.96×103 from Eq. 22 yields

Eq. 27



Ellipsometer Sensitivity

The thickness sensitivity of the ellipsometer system can be estimated by rearranging Eq. 23 and differentiating with respect to intensity.

Eq. 28

The term ΔI is the uncertainty in the measured intensity, caused by noise in the camera which is estimated using

Eq. 29

where S is the number of incident photons, QE is the quantum efficiency of the camera (42% for our camera). Dark current is 40epixel (over the 10-s exposure time), and the read noise is 16epixel . The S×QE term in the denominator represents the effects of shot-noise on the camera intensity reading. From Fig. 9, the mean intensity signal is 16% (I=0.16) of the dynamic range of the camera (16,000e) yielding S×QE=2560electrons , which results in a SNR=47.9 , or ΔI=0.0208 . Using Eq. 28 the thickness sensitivity of the ellipsometer is Δt=0.28nm . Using a similar analysis, the index sensitivity of the ellipsometer is Δn=0.0024 .



The primary goal is to measure the binding of analytes to the biomolecules immobilized on the microarray. The change in intensity of the microarray spots shown in Fig. 7b demonstrate that the evanescent imaging ellipsometric microarray reader is capable of measuring a thickness change of less than 0.5nm and a refractive index change of smaller than 0.0025. Nevertheless, the comparison with the measurement in Fig. 7a shows that the sensitivity to molecular binding is significantly lower than the sensitivity obtained using fluorescence measurements. The difference in sensitivity is due to the fact that the binding of analytes only causes a thickness change on the order of 1nm . The sensitivity analysis shown in Fig. 5 demonstrates that the sensitivity of the ellipsometry system can be improved substantially by using a prism made from high-index glass (such as SF11 with an index of n=1.78 ). However, high-index glass prisms are complicated due to difficulties with high-refractive-index-matching fluids.



The development of a label-less imaging ellipsometric microarray reader based on imaging ellipsometry was described. A prototype imaging ellipsometric system was constructed and oligonucleotide microarray samples were tested. The microarray reader is calibrated against an imaging polarimeter and a commercial interferometer. The system’s thickness sensitivity is 0.28nm and the sensitivity to refractive index changes is 0.0024.


The authors thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for financial support of this work through Contract No. NNM04AA24C.



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©(2006) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Srivatsa Venkatasubba Rao, Neil A. Beaudry, Yanming Zhao, and Russell A. Chipman "Evanescent-imaging-ellipsometry-based microarray reader," Journal of Biomedical Optics 11(1), 014028 (1 January 2006).
Published: 1 January 2006 Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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