Open Access
8 March 2024 Molecular mapping of neuronal architecture using STORM microscopy and new fluorescent probes for SMLM imaging
Victor Breton, Paul Nazac, David Boulet, Lydia Danglot
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Imaging neuronal architecture has been a recurrent challenge over the years, and the localization of synaptic proteins is a frequent challenge in neuroscience. To quantitatively detect and analyze the structure of synapses, we recently developed free SODA software to detect the association of pre and postsynaptic proteins. To fully take advantage of spatial distribution analysis in complex cells, such as neurons, we also selected some new dyes for plasma membrane labeling. Using Icy SODA plugin, we could detect and analyze synaptic association in both conventional and single molecule localization microscopy, giving access to a molecular map at the nanoscale level. To replace those molecular distributions within the neuronal three-dimensional (3D) shape, we used MemBright probes and 3D STORM analysis to decipher the entire 3D shape of various dendritic spine types at the single-molecule resolution level. We report here the example of synaptic proteins within neuronal mask, but these tools have a broader spectrum of interest since they can be used whatever the proteins or the cellular type. Altogether with SODA plugin, MemBright probes thus provide the perfect toolkit to decipher a nanometric molecular map of proteins within a 3D cellular context.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Victor Breton, Paul Nazac, David Boulet, and Lydia Danglot "Molecular mapping of neuronal architecture using STORM microscopy and new fluorescent probes for SMLM imaging," Neurophotonics 11(1), 014414 (8 March 2024).
Received: 26 October 2023; Accepted: 31 January 2024; Published: 8 March 2024


Brain mapping



Confocal microscopy


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