1 November 1996 Hierarchical fast two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm using a histogram pyramid
Ching-Wen Yang, Pau-Choo Chung, Chein-I Chang
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Entropic thresholding provides an alternative view to the design rationale of conventional thresholding. Abutaleb proposed a second-order entropic thresholding approach to improve Pun’s first-order entropic thresholding by introducing a 2-D gray-level histogram to take into account the spatial correlation. Abutaleb’s (1989) method was further modified by Brink (1992). However, a major drawback of Abutaleb- Brink’s method is very high computational cost. Recently, Chen et al. (1994) developed a fast efficient 2-D algorithm that reduces computational complexity from O(L4) toO(L8/3), where L is the total number of gray levels. A hierarchical fast 2-D entropic thresholding algorithm using a gray-level histogram pyramid is presented that can be viewed as a generalization of Chen et al.’s algorithm. The new algorithm consists of a 2-D gray-level histogram pyramid build-up procedure expanding Abutaleb’s 2-D gray-level histogram to a histogram pyramid, and a thresholding process applying a modified version of Chen et al.’s algorithm to the histogram pyramid layer by layer from top to bottom. As a result, the computational complexity of Chen et al.’s algorithm can be further reduced to the optimal complexity, O(L2). The experiments show that the computer time of the new algorithm is only one tenth of that required for Chen et al.’s algorithm, which is a significant saving.
Ching-Wen Yang, Pau-Choo Chung, and Chein-I Chang "Hierarchical fast two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm using a histogram pyramid," Optical Engineering 35(11), (1 November 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601061
Published: 1 November 1996
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A Note on Detecting Dominant Points
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1989)

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