We have planned the Lunar observatory project, TSUKUYOMI aiming to meter-wavelength observations on the Moon. One of the scientific objectives is to observe the 21 cm global signal from the Dark Ages using the 1–50 MHz observing frequency range. The receiving system must have a noise temperature sufficiently lower than the foreground noise and also requires the flat bandpass response. To cover the ultra-wide bandwidth, an electrically-short dipole antenna and a preamplifier with high input impedance will be employed. This paper focuses on a feasibility study of the system performance. The environment of and around the observation site, such as the lunar surface dielectric constant and the antenna height from the ground plane, affects the sensitivity because it alters important parameters such as the antenna beam pattern and impedance. The investigation results of relationship between the surrounding environment and the sensitivity will be also reported.
Aim to Japan's participation in the Artemis program in the 2030s in mind, we pursue the feasibility studies of lunar telescope, including astronomical observations. Focusing on the meter-wavelength observations (observing frequency of lower than 50MHz), which cannot be observed in the harsh environments on the ground from the Earth, including the ionosphere and radio frequency interference, we have reported on conceptual design based on the results of our feasibility studies in Japan. The main scientific objectives we have studied so far are broadly covering the following three areas: astronomy and astrophysics, planetary science, and lunar science. In astrophysics, the observing frequency range of 1- 50MHz gives us an opportunity to observe the 21 cm global signal (spatial average temperature) from the Dark Ages, which is determined purely by cosmology and is not affected by first-generation star formation and cosmic reionization. In astronomy, it provides the images of the Milky Way galaxy at meter wavelengths. In planetary science, it will be possible to study the environments of exoplanets through 1) radio waves from auroras on gas giant exoplanets like Jupiter and 2) stellar radio-wave bursts. In lunar science, it has the potential to observationally study the lunar ionosphere, subsurface structure, and dust environment. At present, we plan the meter-wavelength interferometric array as lunar telescope, including the single-dish observations. In this paper, focused on the scientific requirements from cosmology, we will report the design concepts of Japanese lunar telescope project, including the advanced feasibility studies of antenna, receiver, signal chain and spectrometer that are compared as other studies in US, China and Europe. We named this project TSUKUYOMI.
Low-frequency radio observations below 50 MHz on the Moon are not subject to some radio interference, allowing for the study before the formation of the first star, which is impossible from the Earth. Our lunar observatory project, TSUKUYOMI, aims to observe the 21cm global signal from the Dark Ages, requiring wideband observations covering 1-50MHz to spot absorption features of ∼ 40 mK relative to the CMB. Considering the radiation from the Milky Way, which is the main foreground noise source and the reception characteristics of the short dipole antenna, a pre–amplifier with a noise lower than 2nV/√ Hz and an input capacitance of 25pF will result in a system noise well below foreground noise over the entire bandwidth and a roughly flat wideband response. Managing the input/floating capacitance and using a lumped constant circuit is crucial for wideband performance. This paper outlines the wideband system and delves into the system performance requirements.
Interferometers (e.g., ALMA and NOEMA) allow us to obtain the detailed brightness distribution of astronomical sources in three dimensions (R.A., Dec., and frequency). However, the spatial correlation of the noise makes it difficult to evaluate the statistical uncertainty of the measured quantities and the statistical significance of the results obtained. The noise correlation properties in the interferometric image are fully characterized and easily measured by the noise autocorrelation function (ACF). We present the method for (1) estimating the statistical uncertainty due to the correlated noise in the spatially integrated flux and spectra directly, (2) simulating the correlated noise to perform a Monte Carlo simulation in image analyses, and (3) constructing the covariance matrix and chi-square χ2 distribution to be used when fitting a model to an image with spatially correlated noise, based on the measured noise ACF. We demonstrate example applications to scientific data showing that ignoring noise correlation can lead to significant underestimation of statistical uncertainty of the results and false detections/interpretations.
KEYWORDS: Receivers, Optical amplifiers, Radio astronomy, Antennas, Astronomy, Observatories, Cryogenics, Simulation of CCA and DLA aggregates, Roads, Galactic astronomy
The Atacama large millimeter/submillimeter array (ALMA) band-1 receiver covers the frequency band between 35-50 GHz. An extension of up to 52 GHz is on a best-effort basis. Covering the longest wavelengths visible with ALMA, this receiver is enabling studies of dust grain evolution in proto-planetary systems probing dust grain sizes close to 1 cm, and with multiple red-shifted molecular lines it will open up a new window in the high-redshift universe. The band-1 project has recently achieved first light and with this passed a major project milestone. We present the challenges, from initial development to prototype, to establishing the infrastructure, integration, and evaluation of 73 production receiver units, and to the final tasks to complete the project. We conclude with the initial performance and characterization of the first band-1 receivers installed on ALMA.
Recent interferometers (e.g. ALMA and NOEMA) allow us to obtain the detailed brightness distribution of the astronomical sources in 3 dimension (R.A., Dec., frequency). However, the interpixel correlation of the noise due to the limited uv coverage makes it difficult to evaluate the statistical uncertainty of the measured quantities and the statistical significance of the obtained results. The noise correlation properties are characterized by the noise autocorrelation function (ACF). We will present the method for (1) estimating the statistical uncertainty due to the correlated noise in the spatially integrated flux and spectra directly from the noise ACF and (2) simulating the correlated noise to perform a Monte Carlo simulation in image analyses. Our method has potential applications to a range of astronomical images of not only interferometers but also single dish mapping observation and interpolated and resampled optical images.
We present a conceptual framework of planar SIS mixer array receivers and the studies on the required techniques. This concept features membrane-based on-chip waveguide probes and a quasi-two-dimensional local-oscillator distribution waveguide network. This concept allows sophisticated functions, such as dual-polarization, balanced mixing and sideband separation, easily implemented with the SIS mixer array in the same planar circuit. We have developed a single-pixel prototype receiver by implementing the concept in the design. Initial measurement results show good evidences that support the feasibility of the concept.
ALMA has already produced many impressive and scientifically compelling results. However, continuous technical upgrades and development are key for ALMA to continue to lead astronomical research through the 2020-2030 decade and beyond. The East Asia ALMA development program consists of the execution of short term projects, and the planning and initial studies for longer term developments that are essential for future upgrades. We present an overview of all these ongoing East Asia ALMA development projects and upgrade studies, which aim to maintain and even increase the outstanding scientific impact of ALMA in the near future and over the coming decades.
The ALMA telescope has been producing ground-breaking science since 2011, but it is mostly based on front-end and back-end technology from the 2000s. In order to keep ALMA competitive in the coming decade, timely updates are necessary in order to further improve the science output of the telescope. In NAOJ, we have been doing research leading to technological developments which aim to increase the field-of-view of the telescope, and the RF and instantaneous bandwidth for more efficient and accurate spectral surveys. In this contribution, we will describe the most important technical achievements by our group in recent years.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 1 receiver covers the frequency range of 35-50 GHz. An extension of up to 52 GHz is on a best-effort basis. A total of 73 units have to be built in two phases: 8 preproduction and then 65 production units. This paper reports on the assembly, testing, and performance of the preproduction Band 1 receiver. The infrastructure, integration, and evaluation of the fully-assembled Band 1 receiver system will be covered. Finally, a discussion of the technical and managerial challenges encountered for this large number of receivers will be presented.
ALMA has been demonstrating its exceptional capabilities with unprecedented scientific results achieved over the past six years of operation. To keep ALMA as a leading-edge telescope, it is essential to continue technical upgrades and development of new potential. While our future development programs have already achieved remarkable technological breakthroughs at the level of front-end receivers, we are discussing the upgrades of the analog and digital backend and the correlator. We report the required concept design of the interferometric system focused on these sub-systems to realize new science use cases.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA) Band 1 receiver covers the 35-50 GHz frequency band. Development of prototype receivers, including the key components and subsystems has been completed and two sets of prototype receivers were fully tested. We will provide an overview of the ALMA Band 1 science goals, and its requirements and design for use on the ALMA. The receiver development status will also be discussed and the infrastructure, integration, evaluation of fully-assembled band 1 receiver system will be covered. Finally, a discussion of the technical and management challenges encountered will be presented.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) consists of 66 antennas with the aperture equivalent to a 91-m diameter antenna. The Green Bank Telescope (GBT) is the world’s largest, 100-m diameter telescope in the wavelength range of 3 mm to 30 cm. The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) will be the world´s largest, 50-m diameter, steerable millimeter-wavelength telescope. The Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope (CCAT) will be the world’s largest, 25-m diameter, submillimeter-wavelength telescope. We will investigate advantages and disadvantages of both the aperture synthesis telescope and the large single-dish telescope taking the cost effectiveness into consideration, and will propose the design of antenna structure for a future telescope project at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.
The ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) radio interferometer has some different types of antennas which have a variation of gain and leakages across the primary beam of an individual antenna. We have been developing an artificial calibration source which is used for compensation of individual difference of antennas. In a high-frequency antenna, using astronomical sources to do calibration measurement would be extremely time consuming, whereas with the artificial calibration source becomes a realistic possibility. Photonic techniques are considered to be superior to conventional techniques based on electronic devices in terms of wide bandwidth and high-frequency signals. Conversion from an optical signal to a millimeter/sub-millimeter wave signal is done by a photo-mixer.
Pointing performance of a radio telescope antenna is important in radio astronomical observations to obtain accurate intensity of a target source. The pointing errors of the ALMA ACA antenna are required to be better than 0.6 arcsec rss, which corresponds to 1/10 and 1/20 of the field of view of the ALMA ACA 12-m and 7-m antenna at 950 GHz, respectively. The pointing verification measurements of the ACA antenna were performed using an Optical pointing telescope (OPT) mounted on the antenna backup structure at the ALMA Operations Site Facility at 2900m above the sea level. Pointing errors of these OPT measurements contain three different origins; originated from antenna, originated of atmosphere (optical seeing), and originated of OPT itself. In order to estimate pointing errors of the antenna origin, we need to subtract the components of optical seeing and OPT itself accurately, while we need to add components that cannot be measured in the OPT measurements. The ACA antenna verification test report demonstrated that all the ACA 7-m antenna meets pointing specification of ALMA. However, about one-third of datasets, values of estimated optical seeing is larger than measured pointing errors. We re-examined a procedure to estimate optical seeing, by investigating the property of optical seeing from the high-sampling OPT pointing measurements of long tracking a bright star for 15 minutes. Particularly, we examined the relation between optical seeing and sampling rate derived from Kolmogorov PSD. Our analysis indicated that the optical seeing at ALMA site may have been overestimated in the verification test. We present a new relation between optical seeing and sampling rate proportional to average wind velocity during measurement. We used this new relation to derive the optical seeing and as a result the number of datasets becomes half in which the optical seeing is larger than measured pointing errors. As a result, we successfully develop a new verification method of optical seeing that has high reliability.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is already producing a growing number of impressive and scientifically compelling results during its first two years of operation as the most powerful mm/submm interferometer in the world. However, ALMA still has some scientific weak points due to the technological limitations. In order to maintain ALMA as the state-of-the-art facility over the course of its projected life of 30+ years, continuing technical upgrades and developments for new capabilities are essential. We have already performed future development studies and projects for ALMA enhancement, which are the main development focus for the next 5 - 10 years. We should now start the discussion of the technical requirements and the potential science achievable with larger scale developments which are envisioned in the next 10 - 20 years, because it is emphasized that the larger scale project will likely result in higher impact, groundbreaking ALMA science in the year 2034 and beyond.
KEYWORDS: Phase measurement, Signal generators, Signal detection, Phase shift keying, Signal processing, Digital filtering, Polarization, Sensors, Oscillators, Fiber Bragg gratings
In signal transmission through optical fiber, cable length delay fluctuation accompanied by chromatic and
polarization-mode dispersion affects the coherence of distributed signals. To maintain signal coherence, it is
very important to generate very-high-frequency signals with minimum phase noise and transmission loss. In a
photonic local signal generation/distribution system with a microwave-photonic signal generator and a real-time
microwave-photonic signal phase stabilizer that we developed as an alternative photonic LO system for ALMA
(Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array), signals are transmitted in the form of frequency difference
between two coherent light waves, effectively maintaining the coherence of distributed reference signals. Through
the development of the real-time phase stabilizer, we discovered that the system would be further improved with
the introduction of a post-processing scheme phase stabilizer and confirmed its effectiveness by experiments.
Alain Baudry, Richard Lacasse, Ray Escoffier, John Webber, Joseph Greenberg, Laurence Platt, Robert Treacy, Alejandro Saez, Philippe Cais, Giovanni Comoretto, Benjamin Quertier, Sachiko Okumura, Takeshi Kamazaki, Yoshihiro Chikada, Manabu Watanabe, Takeshi Okuda, Yasutake Kurono, Satoru Iguchi
Two large correlators have been constructed to combine the signals captured by the ALMA antennas deployed on the
Atacama Desert in Chile at an elevation of 5050 meters. The Baseline correlator was fabricated by a NRAO/European
team to process up to 64 antennas for 16 GHz bandwidth in two polarizations and another correlator, the Atacama
Compact Array (ACA) correlator, was fabricated by a Japanese team to process up to 16 antennas. Both correlators meet
the same specifications except for the number of processed antennas. The main architectural differences between these
two large machines will be underlined. Selected features of the Baseline and ACA correlators as well as the main
technical challenges met by the designers will be briefly discussed. The Baseline correlator is the largest correlator ever
built for radio astronomy. Its digital hybrid architecture provides a wide variety of observing modes including the ability
to divide each input baseband into 32 frequency-mobile sub-bands for high spectral resolution and to be operated as a
conventional 'lag' correlator for high time resolution. The various observing modes offered by the ALMA correlators to
the science community for 'Early Science' are presented, as well as future observing modes. Coherently phasing the
array to provide VLBI maps of extremely compact sources is another feature of the ALMA correlators. Finally, the status
and availability of these large machines will be presented.
The ACA (Atacama Compact Array) system is an important element of ALMA and consists of four ACA 12-m antennas
and twelve ACA 7-m antennas. The ACA system aims to acquire the total power data with four 12-m antennas and the
short baseline interferometer data with 7-m antennas. The ACA system also increases reliability of the interferometer
maps of astronomical sources larger than the field view of the 12-m antenna. The science performance of these antennas
has been extensively verified at OSF (operation support facility) at an elevation of 2900 m in Atacama desert in northern
Chile since 2007. The pointing performance has been verified with a dedicated optical pointing telescope, the servo
performance is tested with angle encoders, and the surface accuracy has been measured with a radio holography method.
Both ACA 12-m antennas and 7-m antennas have been successfully demonstrated to meet the very stringent ALMA
ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) is a revolutionary radio telescope and its early scientific
operation has just started. It is expected that ALMA will resolve several cosmic questions and will give us a new cosmic
view. Our passion for astronomy naturally goes beyond ALMA because we believe that the 21st-century astronomy
should pursue the new scientific frontier. In this conference, we propose a project of the future radio telescope to search
for habitable planets and finally detect 2nd Earth as a migratable planet. Detection of 2nd Earth is one of the ultimate
dreams not only for astronomers but also for every human being.
To directly detect 2nd Earth, we have to carefully design the sensitivity and angular resolution of the telescope by
conducting trade-off analysis between the confusion limit and the minimum detectable temperature. The result of the
sensitivity analysis is derived assuming an array that has sixty-four (64) 50-m antennas with 25-;μm surface accuracy
mainly located within the area of 300 km (up to 3000 km), dual-polarization SSB receivers with the best noise
temperature performance achieved by ALMA or better, and IF bandwidth of 128 or 256 GHz.. We temporarily name this
telescope "Very Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (VLMSA)". Since this sensitivity is extremely high, we can have
a lot of chances to study the galaxy, star formation, cosmology and of course the new scientific frontier.
We have carried out the experiment of real-time space VLBI by using a high-speed ATM network. A space VLBI program is carried out with the HALCA satellite, which has an 8-m diameter radio telescope. Downlink data is transmitted to Usuda station, which is a Japanese data link station. And Usuda 64-m telescope is used as a ground radio telescope. They were used for this experiment. It is the first experiment that an optical fiber network was applied for a real-time space VLBI. The ATM optical-fiber network has 2.4 Gbps transmission capability. For the real-time space VLBI experiment, 128 Mbps data are transmitted. The VLBI correlator at NAOJ is used, which is usually used for the tape based ground and space VLBI observations. And we have succeeded to detect fringes using this network with a satellite downlink station and a ground radio telescope by test data, which are play-backed with recorded tapes. Unfortunately we have not tested actual observations because of a serious trouble of the satellite.
KEYWORDS: Digital filtering, Filtering (signal processing), Finite impulse response filters, Optical filters, Signal to noise ratio, Astronomy, Radio astronomy, Prototyping, Bandpass filters, Data acquisition
The gigabit digital filter prototype has been developed with the FPGA (FIeld Programmable Gate Array) for the radio astronomical observation. The digital filtering techniques enables a variety of observing modes defined on the data acquisition system, even with a fixed sampling frequency A/D converter. In this study, the principle of gigabit digital filter design is described in detail, parallel processing design of a FIR (Finite Inpulse Response) filter is presented, and the results of the test manufacturing are shown.
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