Jia-Shyong Cheng, Tai-Kang Wu, Chia-Wei Hao, Ting-Chiang Hsieh, Yuh-Ga Gong, Hsiung-Kuang Chen
Optical Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue 08, (August 1993) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.143978
TOPICS: LCDs, Transmittance, Liquid crystals, Computer simulations, Polarizers, Birefringence, Cell mechanics, Visible radiation, Display technology, Televisions
Two kinds of liquid crystals are selected with the aid of computer simulation for the fabrication of high-contrast liquid crystal displays (LCDs). One is suitable for the first minimum operation of a twisted nematic LCD and the other is suitable for the second minimum operation. The contrast ratios in the normally white mode of the first minimum operation and the contrast ratio in the normally black mode of the second minimum operation are both higher than 100:1 . These LCDs can be used in direct view and projection applications.