Dr. Mikhail Shalaginov is a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. He is a member of the Photonic Materials group led by Prof. Juejun Hu. Mikhail’s latest research is centered on the development of high-performance reconfigurable metasurface-based devices operating in mid-infrared. He recently demonstrated a varifocal high-performance metalens and a single-layer, aberration-free metalens with an ultra-wide field of view. Before joining MIT, he pursued his Ph.D. at Purdue University in the Nanophotonics & Metamaterials group of Prof. Vladimir Shalaev. Mikhail’s doctoral research was devoted to developing metamaterials and plasmonic structures for enhancing emission properties of diamond color centers. For his research advances, he received several awards, including the 2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award (Purdue University) and the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting Best Presentation award.
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Advanced imaging optics enabled by ultra-thin, all-dielectric metasurfaces (Conference Presentation)
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