Qi Wang, Sinisa Grozdanic, Matthew Harper, Nicolas Hamouche, Helga Kecova, Tatjana Lazic, Elena Hernandez-Merino, Chenxu Yu
Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 18, Issue 06, 067008, (June 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.067008
TOPICS: Raman spectroscopy, Tissues, Control systems, Data modeling, Spectroscopy, Retina, Proteins, Optic nerve, Statistical modeling, Visualization
Early detection of pathological changes and progression in glaucoma and other neuroretinal diseases remains a great challenge and is critical to reduce permanent structural and functional retina and optic nerve damage. Raman spectroscopy is a sensitive technique that provides rapid biochemical characterization of tissues in a nondestructive and noninvasive fashion. In this study, spectroscopic analysis was conducted on the retinal tissues of seven beagles with acute elevation of intraocular pressure (AEIOP), six beagles with compressive optic neuropathy (CON), and five healthy beagles. Spectroscopic markers were identified associated with the different neuropathic conditions. Furthermore, the Raman spectra were subjected to multivariate discriminate analysis to classify independent tissue samples into diseased/healthy categories. The multivariate discriminant model yielded an average optimal classification accuracy of 72.6% for AEIOP and 63.4% for CON with 20 principal components being used that accounted for 87% of the total variance in the data set. A strong correlation (R 2 <0.92 ) was observed between pattern electroretinography characteristics of AEIOP dogs and Raman separation distance that measures the separation of spectra of diseased tissues from normal tissues; however, the underlining mechanism of this correlation remains to be understood. Since AEIOP mimics the pathological symptoms of acute/early-stage glaucoma, it was demonstrated that Raman spectroscopic screening has the potential to become a powerful tool for the detection and characterization of early-stage disease.