Cerium-doped Lanthanum Bromide [LaBr3(Ce)] is a relatively newly developed inorganic scintillator with high performance for X/gamma-rays. It has high light yield, good energy resolution, and suitable time response for X/gamma- ray spectroscopy in comparison with NaI(Tl) conventionally used for spaceexperiments. Although NaI(Tl), especially using a cleaved surface forthe entrance window, was regarded as the most suitable scintillatorfor the spectroscopy of photons in the hard X-ray to gamma-ray band, a large amount of induced background from radio-activated iodinepolluted observed spectra, which were caused by charged particleirradiation in a high radiation region such as South Atlantic Anomalyin space experiments (e.g., Murakami et al. 1989). LaBr3(Ce) could have comparable or even better performance toNaI(Tl). There is, however, very limited knowledge about radio-activated LaBr3(Ce) estimated in a low-earth orbit. To verify the degradation of performance by high charged particle radiation field estimated in a low-earth orbit, we performed proton irradiation experiments using a synchrotron accelerator at TheWakasa Bay Energy Research Center. We performed irradiation experiments of LaBr3(Ce) using proton beams with 20, 70, 140 MeV. The crystal has the size of 0.5 inch in diameter and a thickness of 0.5 inch; the thickness is the same as the gamma-ray burst detector flown after for the CALET experiment (Yamaoka et al. 2013). The measurement has been done to take gamma-ray spectra from the radio-activated LaBr3(Ce) crystal during the period from 7 minutes to 3.8 days after the proton irradiation. As a result, we detected 24 gamma-ray peak sand identified 19 nuclides by activation. We also found that the nuclides generated by the proton irradiation can be divided into two types; short-lived nuclides (half-life shorter than 24 hours) and long-lived nuclides (half- life longer than a day). From the results, we estimated that the background rate of LaBr3(Ce) in a low-earth orbitexpected for such as the International Space Station was several counts per second, which was smaller than that for Cosmic X-ray background from an opening angle of about a pi steradian. The contamination suffered from radio-activation of LaBr3(Ce) crystal was sufficiently small for spectroscopy with a large field-of-view taken forsuch as gamma-ray transient observations.
The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) is the successor to the 2016 Hitomi mission that ended prematurely. Like Hitomi, the primary science goals are to examine astrophysical problems with precise highresolution X-ray spectroscopy. XRISM promises to discover new horizons in X-ray astronomy. XRISM carries a 6 x 6 pixelized X-ray micro-calorimeter on the focal plane of an X-ray mirror assembly and a co-aligned X-ray CCD camera that covers the same energy band over a large field of view. XRISM utilizes Hitomi heritage, but all designs were reviewed. The attitude and orbit control system were improved in hardware and software. The number of star sensors were increased from two to three to improve coverage and robustness in onboard attitude determination and to obtain a wider field of view sun sensor. The fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration (FDIR) system was carefully examined and reconfigured. Together with a planned increase of ground support stations, the survivability of the spacecraft is significantly improved.
We report current status of developing Soft X-ray Imager (SXI), the X-ray CCD camera onboard X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM). Four flight model (FM) CCDs have been selected considering several items including energy resolution at 5.9keV, CTI, dark current, etc. We have also completed calibration campaign for all the FM CCDs. Initial analyses show that the response function for monochromatic X-rays is basically the same as that of Hitomi CCDs. The focal plane including the single-stage Stirling cooler has been assembled. Production of key parts in SXI sensor body such as contamination blocking filter and onboard calibration source has been finished and they are waiting for assemble. The digitized signals of the CCD are corrected step by step before conversion to X-ray energy. We are preparing calibration database for the correction such as CTI, gain, and line redistribution function.
HiZ-GUNDAM is a future satellite mission which will lead the time-domain astronomy and the multi-messenger astronomy through observations of high-energy transient phenomena. A mission concept of HiZ-GUNDAM was approved by ISAS/JAXA, and it is one of the future satellite candidates of JAXA’s medium-class mission. We are in pre-phase A (before pre-project) and elaborating the mission concept, mission/system requirements for the launch in the late 2020s. The main themes of HiZ-GUNDAM mission are (1) exploration of the early universe with high-redshift gamma-ray bursts, and (2) contribution to the multi-messenger astronomy. HiZ-GUNDAM has two kinds of mission payload. The wide field X-ray monitors consist of Lobster Eye optics array and focal imaging sensor, and monitor ~1 steradian field of view in 0.5 – 4 keV energy range. The near infrared telescope has an aperture size 30 cm in diameter, and simultaneously observes four wavelength bands between 0.5 – 2.5 μm. In this paper, we introduce the mission overview of HiZ-GUNDAM.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Scintillators, Satellites, Gamma radiation, Signal processing, Solar energy, Particles, Solar processes, Space operations, Spectroscopy
Solar neutron observations are very important for understanding of nucleon acceleration mechanism in solar flares, but there are only a few tens of detection since the discovery in 1980. This is because most o solar neutron observations have been done from not space but the ground with insufficient sensitivity. We have designed very compact and high sensitive solar neutron and gamma-ray spectrometer utilizing a novel photo-sensor Silicon photo-multiplier (Si PM). This paper describes concept, design and performance of our detector for micro/nanosatellite applications.
X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission (XARM) scheduled to be launched in early 2020’s carries two soft X-ray telescopes. One is Resolve consisting of a soft X-ray mirror and a micro calorimeter array, and the other is Soft X-ray Imaging Telescope (Xtend), a combination of an X-ray mirror assembly (XMA) and an X-ray CCD camera (SXI). Xtend covers a field of view (FOV) of 38′ × 38′ , much larger than that of Resolve (3′ × 3 ′ ) with moderate energy resolution in the energy band from 0.4 keV to 13 keV, which is similar to that of Resolve (from 0.3 keV to 12 keV). Simultaneous observations of both telescopes provide complimentary data of X-ray sources in their FOV. In particular, monitoring X-ray sources outside the Resolve FOV but inside the Xtend FOV is important to enhance the reliability of super high resolution spectra obtained with Resolve. Xtend is also expected to be one of the best instruments for low surface brightness X-ray emissions with its low non X-ray background level, which is comparable to that of Suzaku XIS. The design of Xtend is almost identical to those of Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) and Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) both on board the Hitomi satellite. However, several mandatory updates are included. Updates for the CCD chips are verified with experiment using test CCD chips before finalizing the design of the flight model CCD. Fabrication of the foils for XMA has started, and flight model production of the SXI is almost ready.
The ASTRO-H mission was designed and developed through an international collaboration of JAXA, NASA, ESA, and the CSA. It was successfully launched on February 17, 2016, and then named Hitomi. During the in-orbit verification phase, the on-board observational instruments functioned as expected. The intricate coolant and refrigeration systems for soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS, a quantum micro-calorimeter) and soft X-ray imager (SXI, an X-ray CCD) also functioned as expected. However, on March 26, 2016, operations were prematurely terminated by a series of abnormal events and mishaps triggered by the attitude control system. These errors led to a fatal event: the loss of the solar panels on the Hitomi mission. The X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission (or, XARM) is proposed to regain the key scientific advances anticipated by the international collaboration behind Hitomi. XARM will recover this science in the shortest time possible by focusing on one of the main science goals of Hitomi,“Resolving astrophysical problems by precise high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy”.1 This decision was reached after evaluating the performance of the instruments aboard Hitomi and the mission’s initial scientific results, and considering the landscape of planned international X-ray astrophysics missions in 2020’s and 2030’s. Hitomi opened the door to high-resolution spectroscopy in the X-ray universe. It revealed a number of discrepancies between new observational results and prior theoretical predictions. Yet, the resolution pioneered by Hitomi is also the key to answering these and other fundamental questions. The high spectral resolution realized by XARM will not offer mere refinements; rather, it will enable qualitative leaps in astrophysics and plasma physics. XARM has therefore been given a broad scientific charge: “Revealing material circulation and energy transfer in cosmic plasmas and elucidating evolution of cosmic structures and objects”. To fulfill this charge, four categories of science objectives that were defined for Hitomi will also be pursued by XARM; these include (1) Structure formation of the Universe and evolution of clusters of galaxies; (2) Circulation history of baryonic matters in the Universe; (3) Transport and circulation of energy in the Universe; (4) New science with unprecedented high resolution X-ray spectroscopy. In order to achieve these scientific objectives, XARM will carry a 6 × 6 pixelized X-ray micro-calorimeter on the focal plane of an X-ray mirror assembly, and an aligned X-ray CCD camera covering the same energy band and a wider field of view. This paper introduces the science objectives, mission concept, and observing plan of XARM.
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) was the sixth Japanese x-ray satellite that carried instruments with exquisite energy resolution of <7 eV and broad energy coverage of 0.3 to 600 keV. The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) was the Hitomi instrument that observed the highest energy band (60 to 600 keV). The SGD design achieves a low background level by combining active shields and Compton cameras where Compton kinematics is utilized to reject backgrounds coming from outside of the field of view. A compact and highly efficient Compton camera is realized using a combination of silicon and cadmium telluride semiconductor sensors with a good energy resolution. Compton kinematics also carries information for gamma-ray polarization, making the SGD an excellent polarimeter. Following several years of development, the satellite was successfully launched on February 17, 2016. After proper functionality of the SGD components were verified, the nominal observation mode was initiated on March 24, 2016. The SGD observed the Crab Nebula for approximately two hours before the spacecraft ceased to function on March 26, 2016. We present concepts of the SGD design followed by detailed description of the instrument and its performance measured on ground and in orbit.
The hard x-ray imaging spectroscopy system of “Hitomi” x-ray observatory is composed of two sets of hard x-ray imagers (HXI) coupled with hard x-ray telescopes (HXT). With a 12-m focal length, the system provides fine (1 ′ . 7 half-power diameter) imaging spectroscopy covering about 5 to 80 keV. The HXI sensor consists of a camera, which is composed of four layers of Si and one layer of CdTe semiconductor imagers, and an active shield composed of nine Bi4Ge3O12 scintillators to provide low background. The two HXIs started observation on March 8 and 14, 2016 and were operational until 26 March. Using a Crab observation, 5 to 80 keV energy coverage and good detection efficiency were confirmed. The detector background level of 1 to 3 × 10 − 4 counts s − 1 keV − 1 cm − 2 (in detector geometrical area) at 5 to 80 keV was achieved, by cutting the high-background time-intervals, adopting sophisticated energy-dependent imager layer selection, and baffling of the cosmic x-ray background and active-shielding. This level is among the lowest of detectors working in this energy band. By comparing the effective area and the background, it was shown that the HXI had a sensitivity that is same to that of NuSTAR for point sources and 3 to 4 times better for largely extended diffuse sources.
The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) onboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H) is an imaging spectrometer covering hard x-ray energies of 5 to 80 keV. Combined with the Hard X-ray Telescope, it enables imaging spectroscopy with an angular resolution of 1′.7 half-power diameter, in a field of view of 9′ × 9′. The main imager is composed of four layers of Si detectors and one layer of CdTe detector, stacked to cover a wide energy band up to 80 keV, surrounded by an active shield made of Bi4Ge3O12 scintillator to reduce the background. The HXI started observations 12 days before the Hitomi loss and successfully obtained data from G21.5–0.9, Crab, and blank sky. Utilizing these data, we calibrate the detector response and study properties of in-orbit background. The observed Crab spectra agree well with a powerlaw model convolved with the detector response, within 5% accuracy. We find that albedo electrons in specified orbit strongly affect the background of the Si top layer and establish a screening method to reduce it. The background level over the full field of view after all the processing and screening is as low as the preflight requirement of 1 − 3 × 10−4 counts s−1 cm−2 keV−1.
Hitomi X-ray observatory launched in 17 February 2016 had a hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy system made of two hard X-ray imagers (HXIs) coupled with two hard X-ray telescopes (HXTs). With 12 m focal length, they provide fine (2' half-power diameter; HPD) imaging spectroscopy at 5 to 80 keV. The HXI main imagers are made of 4 layers of Si and a CdTe semiconductor double-sided strip detectors, stacked to enhance detection efficiency as well as to enable photon interaction-depth sensing. Active shield made of 9 BGO scintillators surrounds the imager to provide with low background. Following the deployment of the Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) on 28 February, the HXI was gradually turned on. Two imagers successfully started observation on 14 March, and was operational till the incident lead to Hitomo loss, on 26 March. All detector channels, 1280 ch of imager and 11 channel of active shields and others each, worked well and showed performance consistent with those seen on ground. From the first light observation of G21.5-0.9 and the following Crab observations, 5-80 keV energy coverage and good detection efficiency were confirmed. With blank sky observations, we checked our background level. In some geomagnetic region, strong background continuum, presumably caused by trapped electron with energy ~100 keV, is seen. But by cutting the high-background time-intervals, the background became significantly lower, typically with 1-3 x 10-4 counts s-1 keV-1 cm-2 (here cm2 is shown with detector geometrical area). Above 30 keV, line and continuum emission originating from activation of CdTe was significantly seen, though the level of 1-4 x 10-4 counts s-1 keV-1 cm-2 is still comparable to those seen in NuSTAR. By comparing the effective area and background rate, preliminary analysis shows that the HXI had a statistical sensitivity similar to NuSTAR for point sources, and more than twice better for largely extended sources.
The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) is one of science instruments onboard ASTRO-H (Hitomi) and features a wide energy band of 60{600 keV with low backgrounds. SGD is an instrument with a novel concept of "Narrow field-of-view" Compton camera where Compton kinematics is utilized to reject backgrounds which are inconsistent with the field-of-view defined by the active shield. After several years of developments, the flight hardware was fabricated and subjected to subsystem tests and satellite system tests. After a successful ASTRO-H (Hitomi) launch on February 17, 2016 and a critical phase operation of satellite and SGD in-orbit commissioning, the SGD operation was moved to the nominal observation mode on March 24, 2016. The Compton cameras and BGO-APD shields of SGD worked properly as designed. On March 25, 2016, the Crab nebula observation was performed, and, the observation data was successfully obtained.
The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 2 keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. After a successful launch on 2016 February 17, the spacecraft lost its function on 2016 March 26, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the on-board instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month.
The 6th Japanese X-ray satellite, ASTRO-H, is scheduled for launch in 2015. The hard X-ray focusing imaging system will observe astronomical objects with the sensitivity for detecting point sources with a brightness of 1/100,000 times fainter than the Crab nebula at > 10 keV. The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) is a focal plane detector 12 m below the hard X-ray telescope (HXT) covering the energy range from 5 to 80 keV. The HXI is composed of a stacked Si/CdTe semiconductor detector module and surrounding BGO scintillators. The latter work as active shields for efficient reduction of background events caused by cosmic-ray particles, cosmic X-ray background, and in-orbit radiation activation. In this paper, we describe the detector system, and present current status of flight model development, and performance of HXI using an engineering model of HXI.
KEYWORDS: Signal processing, Sensors, Avalanche photodetectors, Logic, Cameras, Analog electronics, Signal detection, Digital filtering, Field programmable gate arrays, Gamma radiation
The hard X-ray imager (HXI) and soft gamma-ray detector (SGD) onboard Astro-H observe astronomical objects with high sensitivity in the hard X-ray (5−80 keV) and soft gamma-ray (40−600 keV) energy bands. To achieve this high sensitivity, background rejection is essential, and these detectors are surrounded by large and thick bismuth germinate scintillators as an active shield. We have developed adequate trigger logic for both the HXI and SGD to process signals from main detector and BGO shield simultaneously and then we optimized the trigger delay and width, with consideration of the trigger latch efficiency. The shield detector system performs well, even after it is assembled as the HXI sensor. The energy threshold maintains the same level as that observed during the prototype development phase, and the experimental room background level of the main detector is successfully reduced by our optimized trigger timing.
We are now investigating and studying a small satellite mission HiZ-GUNDAM for future observation of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The mission concept is to probe “the end of dark ages and the dawn of formation of astronomical objects”, i.e. the physical condition of early universe beyond the redshift z > 7. We will consider two kinds of mission payloads, (1) wide field X-ray imaging detectors for GRB discovery, and (2) a near infrared telescope with 30 cm in diameter to select the high-z GRB candidates effectively. In this paper, we explain some requirements to promote the GRB cosmology based on the past observations, and also introduce the mission concept of HiZ-GUNDAM and basic development of X-ray imaging detectors.
The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) is one of observational instruments onboard the ASTRO-H, and will provide 10 times better sensitivity in 60{600 keV than the past and current observatories. The SGD utilizes similar technologies to the Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) onboard the ASTRO-H. The SGD achieves low background by constraining gamma-ray events within a narrow field-of-view by Compton kinematics, in addition to the BGO active shield. In this paper, we will present the results of various tests using engineering models and also report the flight model production and evaluations.
The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions developed by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), with a planned launch in 2015. The ASTRO-H mission is equipped with a suite of sensitive instruments with the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 3 keV and a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. The simultaneous broad band pass, coupled with the high spectral resolution of ΔE ≤ 7 eV of the micro-calorimeter, will enable a wide variety of important science themes to be pursued. ASTRO-H is expected to provide breakthrough results in scientific areas as diverse as the large-scale structure of the Universe and its evolution, the behavior of matter in the gravitational strong field regime, the physical conditions in sites of cosmic-ray acceleration, and the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters at different redshifts.
The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions initiated
by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). ASTRO-H will investigate the physics of the
high-energy universe by performing high-resolution, high-throughput spectroscopy with moderate angular
resolution. ASTRO-H covers very wide energy range from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. ASTRO-H allows a combination
of wide band X-ray spectroscopy (5-80 keV) provided by multilayer coating, focusing hard X-ray
mirrors and hard X-ray imaging detectors, and high energy-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy (0.3-12 keV)
provided by thin-foil X-ray optics and a micro-calorimeter array. The mission will also carry an X-ray CCD
camera as a focal plane detector for a soft X-ray telescope (0.4-12 keV) and a non-focusing soft gamma-ray
detector (40-600 keV) . The micro-calorimeter system is developed by an international collaboration led
by ISAS/JAXA and NASA. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution of
ΔE ~7 eV provided by the micro-calorimeter will enable a wide variety of important science themes to be
KEYWORDS: Avalanche photodetectors, Gamma radiation, Sensors, Signal processing, Cameras, Data conversion, Scintillation, Digital filtering, Crystals, Digital signal processing
Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD:40-600 keV) will be mounted on the 6th Japanese X-ray observatory ASTROH
to be launched in 2014. The main part of the SGD is a Compton camera with a narrow field of view and
surrounded by BGO active shields (SGD-BGO). Via this combination, the SGD can achieve sensitivity more than
ten times superior to the Suzaku/HXD. The BGO active shield will also function as a gamma-ray burst monitor
as proven by the wide-band all-sky monitor (WAM) of the Suzaku/HXD. Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) are
used to read out scintillation lights from the BGO. The size of the former also means we need to focus on
collecting light from large, complex-shaped BGO blocks. The significant leakage current of the APD means a
lower temperature is preferred to minimize the noise while a higher temperature is preferred to simplify the
cooling system. To optimize the BGO shape and the operating temperature, we tested the performance of the
BGO readout system with various BGO shapes under different operating temperatures. We also apply waveform
sampling by flash-ADC and digital filter instead of a conventional analog filter and ADC scheme to reduce the
space and power of the circuit with increased flexibilities. As an active shield, we need to achieve a threshold
level of 50-100 keV. Here, we report on the studies of threshold energy of active shield under various conditions
and signal processings.
The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) is one of four detectors on board the ASTRO-H mission (6th Japanese X-ray
satellite), which is scheduled to be launched in 2014. Using the hybrid structure composed of double-sided silicon
strip detectors and a cadmium telluride double-sided strip detector, the instrument fully covers the energy range
of photons collected with the hard X-ray telescope up to 80 keV with a high quantum efficiency. High spatial
resolution of 250 μm and an energy resolution of 1-2 keV (FWHM) are both achieved with low noise front-end
ASICs. In addition, the thick BGO active shields surrounding the main detector package is a heritage of the
successful performance of the Hard X-ray Detector on board the Suzaku satellite. This feature enables the
instrument to achieve an extremely high background reduction caused by cosmic-ray particles, cosmic X-ray
background, and in-orbit radiation activation. In this paper, we present the detector concept, design, latest
results of the detector development, and the current status of the hardware.
ASTRO-H is the next generation JAXA X-ray satellite, intended to carry instruments with broad energy coverage
and exquisite energy resolution. The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) is one of ASTRO-H instruments and will
feature wide energy band (40-600 keV) at a background level 10 times better than the current instruments on
orbit. SGD is complimentary to ASTRO-H's Hard X-ray Imager covering the energy range of 5-80 keV. The
SGD achieves low background by combining a Compton camera scheme with a narrow field-of-view active shield
where Compton kinematics is utilized to reject backgrounds. The Compton camera in the SGD is realized as
a hybrid semiconductor detector system which consists of silicon and CdTe (cadmium telluride) sensors. Good
energy resolution is afforded by semiconductor sensors, and it results in good background rejection capability due
to better constraints on Compton kinematics. Utilization of Compton kinematics also makes the SGD sensitive
to the gamma-ray polarization, opening up a new window to study properties of gamma-ray emission processes.
The ASTRO-H mission is approved by ISAS/JAXA to proceed to a detailed design phase with an expected
launch in 2014. In this paper, we present science drivers and concept of the SGD instrument followed by detailed
description of the instrument and expected performance.
MAXI, the first astronomical payload on JEM-EF of ISS, began operation on August 3, 2009 for monitoring all-sky
X-ray images every ISS orbit (92 min). All instruments as well as two main X-ray slit cameras, the GSC and SSC,
worked well as expected for one month test operation. The MAXI has been operated since August, 2009 and monitored
more than 300 X-ray sources, which include Galactic black holes and black hole candidates (BH/BHC), transient X-ray
pulsars, X-ray novae, X-ray bursts, CVns, a considerable number of AGNs and so on. Automatic nova-alert and rapid
report system is starting up, while we have published more than 30 results publicly on GCN and ATel with manual
analysis. We are also releasing daily data more than 200 targets publicly.
Now MAXI has continued steady operation since the beginning of 2010 although capability of a part of X-ray
detectors is going down from initial ability. We have obtained some remarkable results concerning BH/BHC, X-ray
pulsars and AGNs. As one of the results XTE J1752-223, an X-ray nova accompanying a black hole candidate, has
revealed an evolution of accretion disc and high energy plasma from the data for seven-month observations.
In this paper we report the operation status of MAXI on the ISS as well as early several astronomical results.
S. Torii, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Kasahara, S. Kobayashi, S. Kodaira, H. Murakami, S. Ozawa, S. Udo, N. Yamashita, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, J. Nishimura, Y. Saito, M. Takayanagi, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Kobayashi, T. Kotani, K. Yamaoka, A. Yoshida, Y. Shimizu, M. Takita, T. Yuda, Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, E. Kamioka, A. Kubota, K. Yoshida, M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, Y. Tunesada, T. Terasawa, H. Kitamura, Y. Uchihori, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, A. Shiomi, J. Mitchell, A. Ericsson, T. Hams, J. Krizmanic, A. Moissev, M. Sasaki, J. Ormes, M. Cherry, T. Guzik, J. Wefel, W. Binns, M. Israel, H. Krawczynski, P. Marrocchesi, M. Gagliesi, G. Bigongiari, A. Caldarone, M. Kim, R. Cecchi, P. Maestro, V. Millucci, R. Zei, C. Avanzini, T. Lotadze, A. Messineo, F. Morsani, O. Adirani, L. Bonechi, P. Papini, E. Vannuccini, J. Chan, W. Gan, T. Lu, Y. Ma, H. Wang, G. Chen
KEYWORDS: Particles, Gamma radiation, Sensors, Space telescopes, Electroluminescence, Scintillators, Signal to noise ratio, Anisotropy, Telescopes, Solar energy
We are developing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module
Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. Major scientific objectives are to search for the nearby
cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 20 TeV and
gamma rays in 20 MeV - several 10 TeV. CALET has a unique capability to observe electrons and gamma rays over 1
TeV since the hadron rejection power can be larger than 105 and the energy resolution better than a few % over 100 GeV.
The detector consists of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and tungsten plates and a total absorption
calorimeter with BGO scintillators. CALET has also a capability to measure cosmic ray H, He and heavy ionsi up to
1000 TeV. It also will have a function to monitor solar activity and gamma ray transients. The phase A study has
started on a schedule of launch in 2013 by H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) for 5 year observation.
The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) is one of three focal plane detectors on board the NeXT (New exploration X-ray
Telescope) mission, which is scheduled to be launched in 2013. By use of the hybrid structure composed of
double-sided silicon strip detectors and a cadmium telluride strip detector, it fully covers the energy range of
photons collected with the hard X-ray telescope up to 80 keV with a high quantum efficiency. High spatial
resolutions of 400 micron pitch and energy resolutions of 1-2 keV (FWMH) are at the same time achieved with
low noise front-end ASICs. In addition, thick BGO active shields compactly surrounding the main detection
part, as a heritage of the successful performance of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board Suzaku satellite,
enable to achive an extremely high background reduction for the cosmic-ray particle background and in-orbit
activation. The current status of hardware development including the design requirement, expected performance,
and technical readinesses of key technologies are summarized.
Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is an X-ray all-sky monitor,
which will be delivered to the International Space Station (ISS)
by a space shuttle crew in early 2009,
to scan almost the entire sky once every 96 minutes for
a mission life of two to five years. The detection sensitivity will be
5 mCrab (5σlevel) for a one-day MAXI operation, 2 mCrab for one week,
and 1 mCrab for one month, reaching a source confusion limit of 0.2 mCrab in two years.
In this paper, brief descriptions are presented for the MAXI mission and payload, and
three operation phases, 1) the launch-to-docking phase, 2) the initial in-orbit calibration phase,
and 3) the routine operation phase. We also describes the MAXI data product and its release plan for public users.
MAXI (Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image) is a payload on board the International Space Station,
and will be launched on April 2009.
We report on the current development status on MAXI, in particular on the two types of X-ray camera (GSC and SSC),
and the simulation results of the MAXI observation.
SSC is a CCD camera.
The moderate energy resolution enables us to detect the various emission peak including 0.5 keV oxygen line.
The averaged energy resolution at the CCD temperature of -70 deg is 144.5 eV (FWHM) for 5.9 keV X-ray.
GSC includes proportional gas counters, which have large X-ray detection area (5350cm2).
The averaged position resolution of 1.1mm at 8 keV enable us to determined the celestial position of bright sources
within the accuracy of 0.1 degree.
The simulation study involving the results of performance test exhibits the high sensitivity of MAXI as designed.
We propose a gamma-ray burst detector (GRB) detector combining the silicon
drift detector (SDD) array and scintillators with broadband X-ray and
gamma-ray coverage (0.5-1000 keV or more), high energy resolution (2-10%)
and high time resolution (~μs) in space. To realize such compact
high-performance detector without photomultiplier tubes, we constructed
proto-type model using KETEK SDD with a detection area of 1 cm2 and BGO
crystal. Signals from both detectors are clearly separated by the double
integration method. The detector shows a very good performance. Obtained
FWHM energy resolution was 191 eV at 5.9 keV in the SDD, while 6.5% at
662 keV in the BGO at −30 degree C. Evaluation of the 7 channel SDD array and
development of analog ASIC for its readout are also presented.
The hard X-ray imager (HXI) is the primary detector of the NeXT mission, proposed to explore high-energy
non-thermal phenomena in the universe. Combined with a novel hard X-ray mirror optics, the HXI is designed to
provide better than arc-minutes imaging capability with 1 keV level spectroscopy, and more than 30 times higher
sensitivity compared with any existing hard X-ray instruments. The base-line design of the HXI is improving to
secure high sensitivity. The key is to reduce the detector background as far as possible. Based on the experience
of the Suzaku satellite launched in July 2005, the current design has a well-type tight active shield and multi
layered, multi material imaging detector made of Si and CdTe. Technology has been under development for a
few years so that we have reached the level where a basic detector performance is satisfied. Design tuning to
further improve the sensitivity and reliability is on-going.
The hard X-ray detector (HXD) onboard Suzaku covers an energy range of 8-700 keV, and thus in combination with the CCD camera (XIS) gives us an opportunity of wide-band X-ray observations of celestial sources with a good sensitivity over the 0.3-700 keV range. All of 64 Si-PIN photo diodes, 16 GSO/BGO phoswich scintillators, and 20 anti-coincidence BGO scintillators in the HXD are working well since the Suzaku launch on July 2005. The rejection of background events is confirmed to be as effective as expected, and accordingly the HXD achieved the lowest background level of the previously or currently operational missions sensitive in the comparable energy range. The energy and angular responses and timing have been continuously calibrated by the data from the Crab nebula, X-ray pulsars, and other sources, and at present several % accuracy is obtained. Even though the HXD does not perform simultaneous background observations, it detected weak sources with a flux as low as ~0.5 mCrab; stars, X-ray binaries, supernova remnants, active galactic nuclei, and galaxy clusters. Extensive studies of background subtraction enables us to study weaker sources.
The X-ray astronomical satellite Suzaku was successfully launched in July 2005. The onboard Wideband All-sky Monitor (WAM) is designed as the second function of the large, thick BGO anti-coincidence shields of the Hard X-ray Detectors (HXD). It views about half of the whole sky and has a geometrical area of 800 cm2 per side, with a large effective area of 400 cm2 even at 1 MeV. Hence, the WAM is expected to provide unique opportunities to detect high energy emission from GRBs and solar flares in the MeV range. In fact, the WAM has detected at least 47 GRBs, although the fine-tuning of the GRB functions is still in progress. The most impressive GRB result is the bright, hard spectrum GRB 051008, which was detected up to 1 MeV with the WAM. We will present here the in-flight performance of the HXD/WAM during the initial eight-months of operations. The in-flight energy response, spectral and timing capabilities, and in-orbit background are described in this paper.
Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is an X-ray all-sky scanner, which will be attached on Exposed Facility of Japanese Experiment Module dubbed "Kibo" of International Space Station (ISS). MAXI will be launched by the Space Shuttle or the Japanese H-IIA Transfer Vehicle (HTV) in 2008. MAXI carries two types of X-ray cameras: Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) for 0.5-10 keV and Gas Slit Camera (GSC) for 2-30 keV bands. Both have long narrow fields of view (FOV) made by a slit and orthogonally arranged collimator plates (slats). The FOV will sweep almost the whole sky once every 96 minutes by utilizing the orbital motion of ISS. Then the light curve of an X-ray point source become triangular shape in one transit. In this paper, we present the actual triangular response of the GSC collimator, obtained by our calibration. In fact they are deformed by gaps between the slats, leaning angle of the slats, and the effective width of the slats. We are measuring these sizes by shooting X-ray beams into the detector behind the collimator. We summarize the calibration and present the first compilation of the data to make the GSC collimator response, which will be useful for public users.
Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image(MAXI) is an X-ray all sky monitor, which will be attached to the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) on the International Space Station (ISS) around the year 2008. MAXI carries two types of scientific instruments. The Gas Slit Camera(GSC) consists of twelve Xe filled one-dimensional position sensitive gas proportional counters sensitive to X-ray in 2-30 keV band. The Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) is a set of X-ray CCD arrays sensitive to 0.5-10 keV photons. Both detectors are utilized in combination with a slit
and orthogonally arranged collimator plates to produce one-dimensional X-ray images along sky great circles. The instruments are now under fabrication and preflight testing. A detector response matrix (DRM) of GSC is also under development phase based on flight model calibration tests for counters and collimators. MAXI's
overall performance depends on not only hardware characteristics but on the fact that the field-of-view changes in time even during observations. To study this complicated situation, we are developing a software, DRM builder, and also a simulation software to evaluate "realistic" performance of GSC in ISS orbits.
The NeXT mission has been proposed to study high-energy non-thermal phenomena in the universe. The high-energy response of the super mirror will enable us to perform the first sensitive imaging observations up to 80 keV. The focal plane detector, which combines a fully depleted X-ray CCD and a pixelated CdTe detector, will provide spectra and images in the wide energy range from 0.5 keV to 80 keV. In the soft gamma-ray band upto ~1 MeV, a narrow field-of-view Compton gamma-ray telescope utilizing several tens of layers of thin Si or CdTe detector will provide precise spectra with much higher sensitivity than present instruments. The continuum sensitivity will reach several x 10-8 photons/s/keV/cm2 in the hard X-ray region and a few x 10-7 photons/s/keV/cm2 in the soft gamma-ray region.
The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD-II), one of instruments onboard the Astro-E2 satellite to be launched in February 2005, is in the final stage of its development. The HXD-II probes the universe in the energy range of 10-600 keV with a sensitivity by an order of magnitude better than those of previous missions. The assembly of the HXD-II completed in January 2004, followed by a series of pre-launch qualification tests. As a result, the design goals of the HXD-II have been met. These include; a background level of 5 x 10-6 counts/s/keV/cm2 at 200 keV for GSO and 1 x 10-5 counts/s/keV/cm2 at 30 keV for PIN; energy resolutions of 2.9 keV (PIN diode, at 59.5 keV) and 10% (GSO scintillator, at 662 keV); and low energy thresholds of 10 keV for PIN diodes and 30 keV for GSO scintillators. The measured background predicts a continuum sensitivity of a few x 10-6 photons/s/keV/cm2. Anti-Counter units surrounding the HXD-II provide 50 keV-5 MeV information on gamma-ray bursts and bright X-ray transients.
The hard x-ray detector (HXD) is one of the three experiments of the Astro-E mission, the fifth Japanese X-ray Satellite devoted to studies of high energy phenomena in the universe in the x-ray to soft gamma-ray region. Prepared for launch at the beginning of 200 via the newly developed M-V launch vehicle of the Institute of Space and Astronomical Science, the Astro-E is to be thrown in to a near-circular orbit of 550 km altitude, with an inclination of 31 degrees. The flight model has been finished assembled this year, and we carried out various tests to verify the performance. We acquired the background spectrum at sea level, and confirmed that our system is operating effectively in reducing the background level. The HXD will observe photons in the energy range of 10-600 keV, and the calculations based on the preflight calibration suggest that the HXD will have the highest sensitivity ever achieved in this energy range. We also verified that our electronic system will maintain its performance against charged particle events expected in orbit.
The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) is one of the three instruments on the fifth Japanese cosmic X-ray satellite ASTRO-E, scheduled for launch in January 2000. The HXD covers a wide energy range of 10-600 keV, using 16 identical GSO/BGO phoswich-counter modules, of which the low-energy efficiency is greatly improved by adding 2 m-thick silicon PIN diodes. Production of the HXD has been completed and pre-flight calibration is now in progress. The design concept of the HXD sensor, detail of the production process, and a brief summary of the measured performance is reported.
KEYWORDS: Field programmable gate arrays, Sensors, Genetical swarm optimization, Data acquisition, Clocks, Hard x-rays, Analog electronics, Sun, Logic, Signal processing
We report the first results of the ground test of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board the Astro-E mission, by means of the newly developed Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Astro-E will be launched in 2000 by a Japanese M-V rocket. In order to verify the detector system during the limited time before launch, fast and versatile GSE is necessary. For this, we have developed a flexible test system based on nine VME I/O boards for a SUN workstation. These boards carry reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays with 50,000 gates, together with 1 Mbyte SRAM devices tightly coupled to each FPGA device. As an application of using this GSE, we have tested the performance of a phoswitch unit of the Flight Model of the HXD. In this paper, we present a schematic view of the GSE highlighting the functional design,and the result of our ground test of the HXD-sensor under the high count rate environment expected in orbit.
The Hard x-ray Detector (HXD) is one of three instruments on the fifth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite, Astro-E, scheduled for launch in 2000. The sensitivity of the Astro-E HXD will be higher by more than one order of magnitude than that of nay previous instrument between 10 keV and several 100 keV. The electronic system is designed to handle many independent data channels from the HXD within the limitation of size and power consumption required in Astro-E. In this paper, we will present the design and the preliminary performance of the processing electronic system.
We have developed the analog electronics of the ASTRO-E hard x-ray detector (HXD). The ASTRO-E is the fifth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite scheduled for launch in 2000. Three experiments will be on board the satellite, one of which being the HXD. The detector consists of 16 units of well-type phoswich counters with silicon PIN diodes embedded therein, and covers the energy range of 10 approximately 600 keV with photon collecting area of about 350 cm2. The readout circuit for the HXD handles many signal channels (96 channels in total) under the limitation of power consumption and size set by the satellite. To meet the limitations, we have developed two types of bipolar semicustom LSIs. One is the pulse-shape discriminator (PSD-LSI) for phoswich counters and the other is for silicon PIN diodes (PIN-LSI). The PSD-LSI selects clean GSO hits and reduces the off-aperture x rays and internal background of the detector down to 10-5 c/s/cm2keV. One PIN-LSI handles signals from two PIN diodes, each consisting of an amplifier, a peak-hold circuit, and a comparator to trigger the readout system. Test pieces of these LSIs meet the specifications such as power consumptions and linearities. Using PIN-LSI, we could successfully obtain x-ray spectrum from 241Am with a PIN diode.
Astro-E is the x-ray satellite to be launched in the year 2000 by Inst. of Space & Astronautical Science. This report deals with the design and expected performance of the hard x-ray detector (HXD), one of the 3 experiments aboard Astro- E. The HXD is a combination of GSO/BGO well-type phoswich counters and silicon PIN diodes: the two combined will cover a wide energy band of 10 - 700 keV. The detector is characterized by its low background of approximately 10-5/s/cm2/keV and its sensitivity higher than any past missions between a few 10 keV and several 100 keV. Combined with the other 2 experiments, a micro-calorimeter array (XRS) and 4 CCD arrays (XIS), both with x-ray mirrors, the mission will cover the soft and hard x-ray range at a highest sensitivity.
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