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[1] “FAST CARS: Engineering a laser spectroscopic technique for rapid identification of bacterial spores,” M. Scully, et al., PNAS (2002).
[2] “Laser technique for direct identification of a single virus I: FASTER CARS,” V. Deckert, et al., PNAS (2020).
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[4] “On the Existence of Superradiant Excitonic States in Microtubules”, G. Celardo, et al., NJP (2019).
[5] “The Super of Superradiance”, M. Scully and A. Svidzinksy, Science (2009): A. Svidzinsky, et al., “Single photon superradiance and radiation trapping by atomic shells,” PRA (2016).
[1] M. Scully, M. Zubairy, G. Agarwal, and H. Walther, Science 299, 862 (2003).
[2] M. Kim, A. Svidzinsky, and M. Scully, Nature Photonics 16, 368 (2022).
[3] J. Kim, S. Oh, D. Yang, J. Kim, M. Lee and K. An, Nature Photonics 16, 707 (2022).
[4] Z. Zhang, G. Agarwal, M. Scully Physical Review Letter 122, 158101 (2019).
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