As solid-state laser technology continues to mature, high-energy lasers operating in the near-infrared (NIR) band have seen increased utilization in manufacturing, medical, and military applications. Formulations of maximum permissible exposure limits establish guidelines for the safe use of these systems for a given set of laser parameters, based on past experimental and analytical studies of exposure thresholds causing injury to the skin and eyes. The purpose of our study is to characterize the skin response to multiple-pulsed laser exposures at the NIR wavelength of 1070 nm, at a constant beam diameter of 1 cm, using anesthetized Yucatan mini-pig subjects. Our study explores three constant total laser-on times of 0.01, 0.1, and 10 s as single- and multiple-pulse sequences. Exposures consisting of 10, 30, and 100 pulses have identical individual pulse durations but different duty cycles in order to include variable degrees of thermal additivity. A plurality of three observers quantifies skin damage with the minimally visible lesion metric, judged at the 1- and 24-h intervals postexposure. Calculation of the median effective dose (ED50) provides injury thresholds for all exposure conditions, based on varying laser power across subjects. The results of this study will provide a quantitative basis for the incorporation of multiple-pulsed laser exposure into standards and augment data contained in the existing ED50 database.
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